How to Make Vivint Camera Record Continuously?

There are plenty of reasons you might want your Vivint camera recording non-stop.

Maybe you don’t want to miss a thing happening outside. Or, you’re curious about what goes on before and after events.

If you’ve Vivint security cameras installed and want them to record all the time, you’re in the right place.

In this post, you’ll learn how Vivint cameras work, their recording features.

Plus, you’ll learn how you can keep them recording all the time.

Do Vivint cameras record continuously?

It all depends on which Vivint cameras you’ve got set up at your home.

Some might not be able to record non-stop because of limited storage and features.

On the other hand, there are some Vivint security cameras that can record 24/7 without a hitch.

The older Vivint cameras don’t have the non-stop recording feature, but the newer ones do.

The old cameras can only record in short clips (in seconds.)

But the new ones like Gen 2, for example, can capture longer clips and even keep recording continuously.

Motion based recording vs. 24/7 recording

Choosing between a security camera that offers motion based recording and 24/7 is a big deal!

But it depends on your personal preference, security needs, budget, and storage capacity.

Continuous Recording

24/7 recording gives you full coverage, capturing every moment without missing anything.

This is great for high-security areas where constant monitoring is essential.

Plus, the peace of mind knowing your property is always under watch is priceless.

However, continuous recording uses a lot of storage, especially with high-definition clips.

Motion-Based Recording

On the other hand, motion-based recording saves storage by only recording when it detects activity or motion.

This is perfect for those with limited storage or who want to make their storage last longer.

It also keeps costs down since there’s less footage to upload to the cloud.

But, there’s a risk of missing important moments if the motion sensors don’t pick up activity.

Motion sensors can also be triggered by things like shadows, animals, or weather, leading to unnecessary recordings and wasted storage.

And, some might even stop recording the footage after detecting the subject.

So it isn’t always 100 percent reliable.

Again, it boils down to what you prefer – nonstop recording or just some events triggered by motion?

Methods to Make Vivint Cameras Record Continuously

There are a few approaches that you can use to achieve continuous recording with your Vivint cameras.

Whether you prefer adjusting settings within the camera itself, leveraging motion detection, or using external storage solutions, there is a method to suit your needs.

It includes adjusting settings, leveraging motion detection and the most effective one – Vivint Smart Drive!

Option 1: Enabling Continuous Recording Through Settings

One straightforward approach to enable continuous recording is through the camera’s settings.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Accessing the Camera Settings:

1.       Launch the Vivint app on your phone

2.       Next, log in to your account

3.       Navigate to the camera section by selecting the camera icon or accessing the device list

4.       Find the Continuous Recording Option

If these settings or features aren’t available, you can move to Option 2.

Option 2: Optimize Motion Detection for Continuous Recording

Another method that you can try is using motion detection in a strategic way.

Though this might not provide continuous recording, it ensures the camera records whenever there is any activity.

Try this by adjusting Motion Sensitivity:

1.       Access the camera settings through the Vivint app

2.       Select the camera and navigate to the motion detection settings

3.       Increase the sensitivity of the motion detector to capture more activity

Besides this, you can also try to strategically use detection zone.

For instance, position your camera to cover critical areas where you want continuous surveillance. Put some object there and let the camera record it continuously. Remember that it’ll still record footage of short duration.

Option 3: Use the Vivint Smart Drive

You don’t need a third-party external hard drive to get your Vivint cameras recording all the time.

So don’t even think about getting the hard drives for this purpose.

Vivint has its own Smart Drive for that, which lets you capture and store clips for a long time.

It’s specifically made for the new Vivint security cameras and equipment.

The new Vivint security cameras even have built-in DVRs for seamless compatibility. This makes it super easy to set up your Vivint camera to record continuously without any hassle.

If you’ve no idea how to set it up, you can use the Vivint Smart Drive setup guide for it.

Final Thoughts

Making sure your Vivint camera records all the time is key for feeling secure. It’s way more reliable than motion recording since you get continuous footage on your phone. If your camera doesn’t support it, you might need to upgrade. Remember that Smart Drive supports Gen 2 Vivint equipment. After you’ve got everything ready, you can get your Vivint camera to record footage non-stop.

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