[FIXED] Kasa Camera Blinking Red

Your Kasa camera is flashing a red light, and you’re not sure what’s going on.

First of all, nobody’s spying on you! It’s easy to get freaked out when you see that solid red light blinking on your security camera.

But it doesn’t mean you’re being watched.

This is a misconception that trips up a lot of us, but it’s really not the case.

The “Blinking Red Light” is actually a pretty common thing that many Kasa camera users deal with.

It’s nothing to freak out about, and it’s definitely something you can fix with a few quick steps.

First, let’s break down why your Kasa camera is blinking that red light in the first place.

The Kasa Camera Blinking Red Light Explained

Your Kasa camera starts blinking red when it’s having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi.

That’s it—it’s a connection issue, nothing more.

The camera can’t hook up to the network (your internet connection.)

Because of this reason, the cam keeps blinking red light, notifying you about it.

Until that light turns solid green, the camera won’t be able to stream, record, or alert you about what’s happening.

There could be many other reasons why it happens.

We will now look at each one of them providing you with solutions to get rid of this Kasa red light blinking.

Reboot your Kasa Cam and Router

First, try rebooting both your Kasa cam and router.

Basically, you need to power cycle your Kasa cam and restart your router.

This can fix temporary connection issues and the red blinking light problem.

Unplug your Kasa cam, let it sit for a few minutes, and then plug it back in.

Next, do the same for your router. Switch it off, let it sit for a few minutes, and then turn it back on.

And, voila! You’re done rebooting the two key devices responsible for establishing a connection between each other!

Check your internet connection

Start by checking your Wi-Fi.

Is the light green, and is it getting a connection?

The problem might be with your internet provider if the internet itself isn’t working.

Test other devices on the same Wi-Fi to see if they’re online.

If nothing’s working, it’s time to call your internet provider to sort it out.

Also, when setting up your Kasa cam, make sure it connects to the 2.4 GHz network. Sometimes, the Kasa cam might accidentally connect to other networks that aren’t compatible, causing issues.

The next thing you can do is to try fixing any DNS issues.

Double-check that the device is using the right DNS server. Wrong settings could mean it’s trying to reach an unreachable server.

Use nslookup or ping on another device to see if the hostname resolves. If not, you’ve identified a DNS issue. You can set up a secondary DNS or hardcode the IP address to keep things running smoothly.

If all this feels too techy, your provider can help.

Fix the router issues

Router issues can also be the reason why your Kasa cam isn’t establishing an internet connection.

Maybe your router is overloaded with too many devices that interfere with the connection. Even a new router channel in your neighborhood can mess with your connection.

First, try unplugging a few devices to keep things running smoothly.

Besides this, keep the router close to your Kasa cam at all times for the best signals.

Ensure there are no objects or any obstacles between the Kasa cam and the router.

You can try getting a mesh Wi-Fi network to fix this issue.

Next, check for any damage to the cables or adapters.

Damaged or broken cables can prevent establishing a stable internet connection.

Consider replacing these network adapters and cables to avoid this.

Hard Reset the Kasa cam

Tried everything with no luck? It’s time to reset your Kasa cam to its default settings.

Just grab your Kasa camera and find the reset button (it’s at the bottom).

Press and hold it down for about 10 seconds.

After that, launch the Kasa app and set up your camera again.

Once it’s successfully connected to Wi-Fi, you’ll see a green light.

Upgrade the firmware

While it might be tempting to skip this step, don’t!

If your Kasa app is running on outdated firmware, it can cause all sorts of weird problems.

To avoid glitches and other app issues, make sure your firmware is up-to-date.

Here’s how to update your Kasa firmware:

Step 1: Launch the Kasa app on your phone.

Step 2: Click on “Me.”

Step 3: Tap on “Firmware Upgrade.”

Step 4: Follow the instructions.

And just like that, you’ll have the latest firmware installed!

If you’re unable to upgrade your firmware, try temporarily connecting your Kasa cam to a mobile hotspot.

Complete the firmware upgrade on the hotspot Wi-Fi.

After upgrading, reconnect it to your regular Wi-Fi to fix that red blinking light.

Wrap Up

A blinking red light on your Kasa cam is now a common issue.

As explained earlier, it usually means that your cam is disconnected or offline.

To avoid this, you’ll want to get that light to turn green.

 You can try the steps mentioned earlier in this post to fix it.

If nothing works, it’s best to contact Kasa Support for help.

If they determine your device is faulty, they might send you a replacement if it’s still under warranty.

Even if it’s not, they can usually troubleshoot the camera to resolve the connection issue.

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