[QUICK FIXES] Reolink Camera Not Charging From Solar Panel

I know you’re probably here because you’re frustrated that your Reolink camera isn’t charging from the solar panel.

You probably invested in the solar panel thinking it’d solve the charging issues.

So your Reolink cam could run flawlessly all the time, right?

But after setting it up in just the right spot, it still won’t charge.

Yeah, that’s a bummer!

But don’t worry! This post will guide you on how to get your Reolink camera to start charging from the solar panel.

Just don’t panic, alright?

Before diving into the solutions, let’s determine if your solar panel is charging your camera.

Note: This guide will be super helpful for Argus 3 Pro users and other Reolink cameras with solar panels.

How to Know If My Solar Panel Is Charging Reolink?

Your Reolink app is handy for checking if your camera is charging properly using some easy-to-read icons.

That being said, here’s how to quickly test whether your Reolink is charging.

Step 1: First, launch the Reolink app.

Step 2: On the camera’s tab, you’ll see all your linked cameras displayed.

Step 3: Look for the battery indicator on the Reolink camera connected to the solar panel. Next to it, there should be a sun icon.

Step 4: If the solar panel isn’t charging your camera, you won’t see a lightning bolt next to the battery.

Another way to check if the solar panel is plugged in correctly is by looking at your camera.

You’ll see the green light indicator at the bottom of your Reolink cam. It tells you that your Reolink is charging.

For more guidance, here’s how to check if your Reolink is charging or not.

If it’s not charging, don’t worry.

Just follow the solutions below to help fix the problem for good.

Ensure The Cables Are Plugged In Securely

I know this sounds obvious, but sometimes it’s the little things that trip us up.

Go ahead and make sure the solar panel’s cable is securely plugged into the camera.

It might have gotten loose for any of the reasons.

Check both ends—the one on the camera and the one on the panel itself.

Give the cable a firm push to ensure it’s fully plugged in. You might not realize it, but it could be slightly loose.

I would also unplug and take a quick look at the cable for any damage.

Frays, cuts, or even slight bends in the wrong places can mess with the power flow.

If the cable is defective, try replacing it.

But before you throw it away, test another USB cable with your Reolink cam.

If the new USB cable works, then you’ve found the issue—the original cable is defective.

Ensure Solar Panel Is Getting Plenty Of Sunlight

I hate to say it, but your solar panel might be sunbathing in the wrong spot.

Reolink solar panels need direct sunlight for several hours a day to charge the camera effectively.

So, if your panel’s chilling in the shade for most of the day, that could be the problem.

Try repositioning the panel to get maximum exposure.

Ideally, I would reposition it at an angle to catch the sun’s rays.

Depending on your location, try placing your solar panel where it can get as much sunlight as possible.

Consider the Weather: Is It Freezing?

Did you know that extreme temperatures can also keep your solar panel from functioning?

If you live somewhere that experiences harsh winters, for example, that could be affecting the charging.

Batteries don’t like extreme cold or heat, and neither does your solar panel.

If the weather’s been mild, it’s worth checking the camera during the day to see if it’s charging.

Sometimes, this can be tough to fix. So I would rather wait or invest in a power backup.

Ensure the Firmware is Up to Date

Technology, right? Sometimes, all it takes is a software update to fix everything.

Like any other cam, Reolink releases firmware updates to improve performance and get rid of bugs.

If your camera’s firmware isn’t up-to-date, the charging issue might be causing it.

To check for updates, open the Reolink app and navigate to the settings menu for your camera. If there’s an update available, go ahead and install it.

 After the update, check to see if the charging issue persists.

 You’d be surprised how often this simple step does the trick.

Swap the Solar Panel if it’s Defective

Tried everything else and the camera still isn’t charging. It could be that the solar panel itself is defective.

Before you go through the hassle of returning or replacing it, you can test it with another Reolink solar panel.

If the camera charges with a different panel, then you’ve found your problem.

If swapping isn’t an option, and you’re still under warranty, reach out to Reolink’s customer support.

They’re pretty responsive, and if the panel’s faulty, they should be able to get you a replacement.

Wrap Up

Look, I know how frustrating it can be when your Reolink camera isn’t charging from the solar panel.

You invested in that setup to avoid constant battery swaps. And then, it doesn’t work as expected. And that can be annoying!

But by running through these steps, you’ve got a solid chance of figuring out what’s wrong and getting it resolved.

Take it step by step, and before you know it, you’ll have your camera charging like it’s supposed to!

If all else fails, Reolink’s support team is there to help. So don’t hesitate to reach out!

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