[Simple Solutions]Blink Cameras Failed To Arm

The armed feature in your blink cameras is a life-changer, especially for peace of mind.

It’s like putting your security camera on automatic motion detection mode.

Anything happens or moves and your Blink camera will let you know about it through your phone.

So you can sit back and relax wherever you are.

Sure, the constant alerts might take some getting used to, but the security it provides is totally worth it.

But what if your blink cameras failed to arm? It’s a common error that you might get.

The good news is that you don’t have to worry about it – there are a few simple solutions to fix it!

Solution 1: Power cycle the camera and sync module

The first effective troubleshooting solution has to be this one – power cycling your Blink camera!

So before anything, just try to power cycle the sync module of the Blink camera.

First, take out the batteries from your Blink camera. You’ll find the battery compartment underneath the camera.

Give it a few minutes without batteries, then put them back in!

Next, you can unplug the sync module by unplugging it from the power source.

Plug it back in after a few minutes.

And, you’re done unplugging and power cycling your Blink system!

This should fix the “Camera(s) failed to arm” error.

However, don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t. You can try the other solutions!

Solution 2: Check your internet connection and network

A decent internet connection is a must for both your module sync and blink camera to work smoothly.

Any interruption or failed connection can cause the camera to disarm.

So check the connectivity tab on Blink app > Sync Module > Check the status of Wi-Fi

If it isn’t a blue indicator, it’s the problem with your internet connection.

So you can either unplug the Wi-Fi router or just change the network.

Internet connection with weak signals won’t be suitable for your Blink system. So, it’s best that you change it to a decent Wi-Fi network to ensure a smooth running of armed features.

Solution 3: Reinstall the app

Sometimes, the app might act up and prevent you from arming your Blink system.

One thing you can try is deleting the app and reinstalling it.

Sure, it isn’t a guaranteed fix, but it might get everything up and running again.

It’s a quick and easy step that can solve the issue without much hassle.

If it doesn’t work, at least you’ve ruled out one potential problem.

Give it a shot and see if it helps or try the other solutions!

Solution 4: Check the firmware

Sometimes, the bugs and other app glitches can be the culprit of such errors.

And the best way to fix it is by ensuring your app is up-to-date!

Launch the Blink app and go to the sync module. Find the firmware option.

If the latest firmware is available, make sure to install it.

But what if the app is already running on the current firmware? Well, in that case, you should try other solutions.

Solution 5: Disable the schedules

It could be possible that you may have enabled the schedule for your Blink camera.

Though it’s a pretty cool feature, it could be the reason why your camera fails to arm.

So try to disable the scheduling for your Blink camera and see if it fixes the issue.

Launch the Blink app > Go to Settings > Devices & System Settings > Disable.

Solution 6: Ensure all connected cameras are responsive

A Blink system is a seamless way to get all the cameras connected.

If any camera in the system goes unresponsive or offline, it can impact other cameras as well.

Check if any camera in the system is offline or acting up. It’s important to keep things smooth. For example, if you’ve got a system with 3 cameras and one of them is not responding, it can cause this issue.

You can check it via the Blink app by going to the Settings.

Though it isn’t always the case, it’s still worth checking, just to be sure.

Solution 7: Reset the sync module

Resetting the device should be your final option.

Now if the camera still fails to arm, you’ll need to reset the sync module. That way, it’ll go back to default settings.

To reset the device, get your sync module and find the little “reset” button on its backside.

Press and hold it for a few seconds until the indicator light flashes before releasing it.

Next, go to the Blink app and find the option to delete the sync module.

That way, you’ll be able to add the sync module back again, allowing you to use the arm feature.


If none of the solutions worked, don’t stress. Sometimes the problem goes away on its own. Other times, it’s best to consider reaching out to Blink support—they can help you troubleshoot it.

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